Project information
Identification of sensory and cognitive characteristics from magnetic resonance (MR) data (MEMCON)


This project doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Central European Institute of Technology. Official project website can be found on
Project Identification
Project Period
4/2023 - 12/2023
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ostatní - foreign
MU Faculty or unit
Central European Institute of Technology
memory, consciousness, magnetic resonance, DNA, metabolomics
Cooperating Organization
Aarhus Universitet

In the past, the vast majority of basic cognitive neuroscience studies have been conducted in isolation, examining the relationship between a single given neuroscientific measure and a single given cognitive phenomenon. This is problematic as single features rarely explain (in the statistical sense) more than 20% of the inter-individual variability. This is disappointingly low from a clinical perspective and casts doubt on the practical usefulness of much of basic cognitive neuroscience. It is the purpose of this project to move beyond this limitation and use neural data in conjunction with genetic and other biological and behavioural measures to create models that are able to predict a wide range of cognitive characteristics with high accuracy at the individual subject level.
In this study, we use a range of MRI sequences to gain broad knowledge on various neuroarchitectural characteristics of participants. These maps are then related to a wide range of behavioural/cognitive phenomena collected across around 5 hours of experiments per participant in order to examine how well these phenomena can be explained/predicted by neural characteristics. In addition, the explanatory/predictive power of MRI based maps, or the combination of MRI, genetics and blood biomarker profiles, are compared to maps using genetic information alone. Power analyses show that the most efficient and economical way of conducting the study is to examine all behavioural and neural characteristics in a single, large sample of participants (500+). Given the large amount of tests, collaboration with international experts is ideal.

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Sustainable Development Goal No.  3 – Good health and well-being

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