January Breakfast with the Dean: A Positive Start to the New Year

On Tuesday, January 7th, the University Campus Library was filled with energy. Guests, refreshed by the holiday break, greeted each other warmly and exchanged wishes for the New Year. The conversation over the first coffee of the year went on longer than usual, gently kicking off our first Research Breakfast of the season.

16 Jan 2025

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This time, Vice Dean Tomáš Kašpárek welcomed Martin Repko, the Dean of our Faculty, to the guest chair. His list of roles and professional interests could fill an entire paragraph. He is the head of the Orthopaedic and Spine Surgery Clinic at University Hospital Brno, specializing in spinal deformities, paediatric scoliosis, neuromuscular diseases, and general spine surgery. He is also the vice-president of the Czech Association of Deans of Medical Faculties, a member of the Education Committee at the Ministry of Health, an active yoga practitioner, a hockey fan, and a motorcycle enthusiast.

The conversation flowed easily and naturally. Dean Repko reflected on his student days, the people who influenced him, and what led him to specialize in orthopaedics. He also shared how, as a graduate of our Faculty, he began his search for a career. He highlighted his international study and work experiences, as well as visits to institutions around the world, as key milestones in his career. As an expert in spine surgery, he has had the opportunity to share his knowledge with colleagues globally. 

The discussion also covered the benefits of yoga for patients recovering from spinal surgery, as well as the Dean’s hopes for the future of orthopaedics through his grandson, into whom he places his hopes for continuing the family’s connection to the field. Another interesting part of the conversation focused on the role of 3D printing in orthopaedics and spine surgery, along with examples of interdisciplinary research and the development of new surgical tools and implants. Finally, the conversation turned to how the Dean manages the balance between his responsibilities as a surgeon and as a Dean. 

Would you like to hear the full interview? Watch the video. 

The next Research Breakfast will be hosted on 4 February by Jiří Kratochvíl and Lukáš Plch from the University Campus Library and Jana Rudá from the Department of Pharmacology. The topic will be predatory journals and the ethics of scientific publishing.

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