Strength And Magnetism of Nanocomposites Formed By 3d-Metal Nanochains Embedded In a Non-Magnetic Matrix

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ŠOB Mojmír KÁŇA Tomáš

Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source World Journal of Engineering
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords electronic structure; nanocomposites; magnetism
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Description We have modeled several MnPt compounds and nanocomposites, in particular the recently found MnPt7 (super)structure, and determined the antiferromagnetic ordering as its ground state. A similar antiferromagnetic ordering has been found in our model MnPt15 structure. The last result is in agreement with experiment, for this antiferromagnetic ordering has been found experimentally in the Pt8.8 % Mn alloy with manganese concentration similar to MnPt15. We studied also magnetic states of linear nanocomposites consisting of Mn or MnPt nanochains in the Pt matrix. Our results indicate the existence of a coupling of Mn spins through the surrounding Pt atoms.
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