Department of Pathophysiology  Faculty of Medicine  Masaryk University Komenského nám. 2  Brno






INSTRUCTIONS FOR students in practical lessons




1.     Each student will work out the protocol report from each practical lesson which the appropriate assistant lecturer will confirm with their own signature at the end of the semester. Students should submit their protocol reports at the time of their examination from the course of pathophysiology.

2.     A practical lesson is necessary to pass wearing a laboratory coat.

3.      Only two absences from practical classes are allowed in one semester. In case of additional absences from practical classes, the assistant lecturer will require documentation about the student’s inability to be at work on the official form „IV. Hlášení o zahájení a ukončení pracovní neschopnosti”. In the case of several absences from practical classes caused by disease, the head of department will decide whether or not to confer credit to the graduate.

4.     Late arrival to practical classes must be excused immediately to the assistant lecturer, who will then decide if the student can participate in the practical lesson of that day.  Late arrival of more than 30 minutes after the start of the class will not be accepted.




Brno, April 15, 2003






                                                                                        Prof. Jiří  Vácha, MD, DSc.

                                                                                            Head of Department