The 100th course was somewhat symbolically the AIM Critical Condition Simulation course, which became our imaginary starting line and was the very first course at SIMU before 99 courses. After its successful completion three years ago, an avalanche of courses started at SIMU, which continues to grow year by year. Over the past 100 courses we have expanded the ranks of lecturers tremendously, thanks in part to the establishment of our simulation lecturer training system, the now established 3-tier system of courses that hide behind the acronyms BPSBE, ABCD and ACDC. Don't you know what the acronyms stand for? Take a look at our course overview and if you're interested we'd be happy to see you on one of our courses.
The Critical Care Simulation course, which is a compulsory part of the specialisation training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, was attended by 18 doctors from all parts of our country. The lecturers of the course were doctors from all three Brno anaesthesiology and resuscitation clinics (KARIM: Tereza Prokopová, M.D., Ph.D, MUDr. Kamil Hudáček, MUDr. Petrana Relovská; ARK: MUDr. Jan Hruda, Ph.D.; KDAR: prof. MUDr. Petr Štourač, Ph.D., MBA, FESAIC, MUDr. Jan Maláska, Ph.D., MUDr. Milan Kratochvíl and doc. MUDr. Martina Kosinová, Ph.D.). In addition to the traditional simulated scenarios in adult anaesthesia and critical care and paediatric anaesthesia critical care, one lucky participant of the anniversary course could enjoy a small tangible (and edible) gift, including a voucher for the Basic Skills in AIM workshop to be held at SIMU on 5 March 2024. If you would like to meet our winner at this workshop, do not hesitate to sign up, last place remains, sign up here!