The third course of Critical Conditions in Adult Anaesthesia successfully held at SIMU LF MU.

A team of lecturers from KARIM FN Brno and FM MU, KDAR FN Brno and FM MU and ÚSM FM MU prepared high-fidelity simulations on acute conditions in the operating room from the perspective of an anaesthesiologist. Twenty-four anaesthesiologists from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia have completed this course in the first year of its existence.

20 May 2022

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On 16 May 2022, the Simulation Centre of the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University became the third place where eight anaesthesiologists from Czech hospitals met as part of the course called "Critical Conditions in Adult Anaesthesia". At the beginning, the physicians were introduced to the concept of crisis management and familiarised with the simulation environment. Subsequently, they completed 11 critical situations in the operating room or the recovery room and one workshop. Each physician actively participated in multiple simulations in different roles. Each simulation was followed by an analysis of the entire situation with a focus on soft skills and options for dealing with the situation, giving the doctors the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills.

The participants and the lecturers evaluated the course as very beneficial. We are already looking forward to meeting you at the next course offered by SIMU LF MU.

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