Cena Sanofi za farmacii 2025
Cena Sanofi je soutěž o nejlepší studentské práce ve farmaceutických vědách. Společně ji vyhlašují Sanofi a Velvyslanectví Francie v Praze, a to již od roku 2009.
Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP) as a funding program for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers has remaining funds for 2020.
The program is funded by the European University Viadrina and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The VIP aims to support the international networking of doctoral candidates and their stronger involvement in international research contexts and discourses.
International doctoral candidates may apply for research stays in 2020 at the European University Viadrina to get familiarize with the research environment at the Viadrina. These fellowships allow international doctoral candidates to get in touch with Viadrina professors for research co-operations or potential doctoral opportunities (e.g. joint degrees and cotutelle agreements). International doctoral candidates may apply for the following fundings:
Fellowships for research stays at the European University Viadrina (max. 3 months)
The application deadline is April 19, 2020 (23:59pm CET).
We would be very pleased if you could forward the call for applications to potentially interested faculties, chairs and doctoral candidates at your university.
For detailed information please see the individual calls on the website of the VIP: https://www.europa-uni.de/en/struktur/unileitung/projekte/vip/index.html
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely,
Maike Hagen & Oleksii Isakov
Project Coordinators Viadrina International Program – for Graduates (VIP)
Viadrina International Affairs
Grosse Scharrnstrasse 59
15230 Frankfurt (Oder)
Cena Sanofi je soutěž o nejlepší studentské práce ve farmaceutických vědách. Společně ji vyhlašují Sanofi a Velvyslanectví Francie v Praze, a to již od roku 2009.
Jihomoravské inovační centrum (JIC) otevírá JIC PhD Akademii pro všechny, které zajímá jak přenést svůj akademický výzkum do praxe!