Multiplier Event 3
When: July 29, 2022
Where: Orea Congress Hotel, Brno, Czech Republic.
The conference aimed to present the results of the implementation project (Strategic Partnership in Innovation and Development of Evidence-Based Healthcare) focusing on evidence-based practice. Presented were the results from the SPIDER course C3/C4.
This consisted of an international collaboration with leading European Evidence-Based Healthcare centers and universities from several countries (Portugal, the UK, Romania, Spain, and the Czech Republic) to exchange innovative methodological approaches in healthcare with regard to the implementation of evidence into practice.
The conference was open to researchers, methodologists, teachers, students, health professionals, managers, and the general public interested in evidence-based practice.
It was held in person and for free, to attend was necessary to register by July 15.
Scientific committee of the conference
Chairman: Dr. Jitka Klugarová, Adj. Assoc. Prof.
Members of the Scientific Board: Dr. Miloslav Klugar, Adj. Assoc. Prof.; Prof. Joao Apostolo; Dr. Carmen Mazilu; Dr. Judith Carrier; Dr. Mayte Moreno Casbas, FEAN
Harmonogram 29. 7.: