SIMU team

SIMU is built on collaboration, so all academic, technical and operational needs are provided by teams from two departments of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University. These teams are behind the innovative teaching, complement each other perfectly and form one of the broadest and best trained groups of experts in their field. Together they form SIMU.


Academic workplace of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, providing comprehensive methodological, knowledge and lecturing facilities for simulation teaching and courses. It runs a doctoral study programme and engages in grant and scientific research activities.

Department of simulation medicine is headed by:

team of department


The operational and technical department of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, takes care of the operation of all devices, instruments, simulators and the entire building, thus creating a comprehensive background for simulation education. It also provides support for teaching.

Simulation centre is headed by:

team of centre

Department of simulation medicine

Department management

Petr Štourač

Department head I Head of WG Doctoral studies and specialised education

  • Head of the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology at the Brno University Hospital.
  • Vice-Dean for Development and Studies in General Medicine (Yrs 4 - 6)
  • In 2020 he was appointed Professor of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Algesiology.
  • He is also systematically involved in the education of students, especially in the form of dissertation supervision.
  • Founder of the educational and publishing portal AKUTNĚ.CZ.
  • SIMU is a piece of his life and the fulfillment of a vision that was able to materialize with the help of a great, multidisciplinary team.

Martina Kosinová

Department vice-head I Head of WG High-fidelity simulation

  • She has finished her doctoral studies in ANIMAL at the FM MU.
  • Habilitated at FM MU on Critical moments of anaesthesia in patients at risk in childhood and pregnancy.
  • She works at the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation and at the Department of Pain Management at the University Hospital Brno.
  • She is an essential part of the AKUTNĚ.CZ, educational and publishing portal.
  • She has completed a number of Czech and foreign courses focusing on modern teaching methods in medical fields, especially on simulation medicine.
  • Participation in SIMU structures is an opportunity for her to turn her dreams from her studies into reality.


Irena Vaďurová


  • Graduate of the secondary art school in Uherské Hradiště, specialising in applied photography.
  • She worked as an assistant on the Optimed project, in the Krtek Children's Oncology Foundation and as a secretary at the KDAR of the Brno University Hospital.
  • She has been at SIMU since its birth, taking care of the running of the Institute of Simulation Medicine and the Simulation Centre, from administration to providing courses.
  • She sees SIMU as a place where she enjoys and has the opportunity to realize her artistic passions.
  • When she is not taking care of the operation of SIMU, she takes care of her two young children and enjoys photography, sports and travelling.

Eliška Mičánková


  • Graduated from the Faculty of Education of MU.
  • She has devoted most of her career to the organization and education problems of medical and non-medical health care workers.
  • As a member of the team of the Education Department at the University Hospital Brno, she is a link between practice in the hospital and theory at the faculty.
  • With the whole SIMU team, she participates in organizational and technical support in preparing courses.
  • He sees SIMU as both an opportunity and a challenge to help people in healthcare to be even better than they already are.

Kristýna Lhotská


  • Graduate of the art and industrial school SŠPU Opava in graphic design
  • Student of the Faculty of Arts MU in the field of pedagogy
  • She gained her experience in various companies, where she worked in administration, customer service and gastronomy.
  • In her free time, she enjoys graphic and nail design, she likes to visit openings and exhibitions. She relaxes in nature, with friends and family, or by practicing yoga. She also volunteers at events.
  • Working at SIMU is a new opportunity and challenge for her.

Karla Švábenská


  • Graduate of PEF MENDELU in the programme Economic Policy and Administration with specialization in Management of Healthcare Facilities
  • 5 years of experience in quality management and certification in the healthcare sector
  • Perceives SIMU as a unique place where students can prepare for future practice
  • Working at SIMU is an opportunity for her to stay in an academic environment while working in the healthcare field
  • In her free time, she enjoys taking various trips to the outdoors with her family or creating with or without her children

Simona Kašparová


  • Graduate of the Secondary Medical School, pharmaceutical laboratory technician.
  • Most of her work experience has been devoted to the care of clinical workplaces as a secretary.
  • She links the activities of the Department of Simulation Medicine and the Simulation Centre with the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation at the Brno University Hospital, as well as with the AKUTNĚ.cz Foundation.
  • Her main hobbies include sports, specifically skiing, scooter and bicycle.

Working groups

Leaders of working groups

Daniel Schwarz

TBL/PBL and virtual patients

  • Biomedical engineer and CIO at the Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Ltd. – a spin-off company of Masaryk University.
  • He is teaching a variety of mathematical biology courses at the university and supervising PhD students in Neurosciences.
  • He is involved in projects focusing on technology and pedagogy in medical and healthcare education.
  • He was at the origin of the idea of the MEFANET network of medical faculties, since 2014 he has been chairing the coordinating board).
  • He is strongly attached to the idea of using virtual patients in medical education and in the lifelong learning of physicians. That is why he also has a great respect for the Simulation Centre.

Hana Harazim

Virtual patients and AKUTNE.CZ

  • Graduate of doctoral studies in Anesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine and Algesiology at the FM MU.
  • In her dissertation she focused on anaesthesia and analgesia in obstetrics.
  • She works at the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation at the University Hospital Brno.
  • She leads a team of doctors and students who create new interactive teaching aids, virtual patients, for the AKUTNĚ.CZ educational and publishing portal.
  • She sees educating medical students with modern teaching methods as a way to truly save many lives.

Jana Djakow

Adult teaching and learning/ERC

  • Graduate of doctoral studies in Human Physiology and Pathophysiology at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, where she also certified in paediatric medicine.
  • She focuses mainly on children intensive care.
  • She serves on the committees of the Czech Resuscitation Council and the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) for resuscitation of children and is co-author of the European Recommended Practice for Resuscitation 2021.
  • She is a leader of ERC courses in basic and advanced resuscitation and instructor courses focused on adult education, and has experience from many courses conducted in the Czech Republic and abroad.
  • For her, SIMU represents the next step in pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the education of students, healthcare professionals and lecturers.

Martin Komenda

SIMUportfolio a OSCE

  • Graduate of the Faculty of Informatics MU.
  • Head of the webstudio team at the Institute of Biostatistics and Analyses, Faculty of Medicine.
  • He has a long-standing interest in modern information technologies and their use in medical education.
  • Responsible for the development and implementation of the SIMUportfolio integration platform along with the introduction of new methods applicable to the assessment of student knowledge (OSCE: Objective Structured Clinical Examination).
  • The opportunity to be at the very beginning of the Simulation Centre means a new challenge for him, joining a large team across disciplines and the possibility of his own self-realization.

Martin Janků


  • A graduate of medicine at the Faculty of Medicine, he has been working as an anaesthesiologist at the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesia and Resuscitation at the Brno University Hospital since 2020.
  • During his studies he helped to broaden the horizons and education of medics from the Czech Republic and abroad within the projects of the international organization IFMSA and beyond.
  • He believes that a teacher who influences thousands of medical students with his work can impact several generations of patients.
  • Knowing that he is helping to create an even better generation of young doctors gives him the purpose and strength to do what he and the Propedeutics team are working on.

Martina Žižlavská


  • Physician of the Internal Medicine Department of the Hospital of Merciful Brothers
  • Since 2017 she has been innovating the teaching of Propedeutics
  • Leads the team providing Propedeutics teaching in SIMU, provides training for the teaching skills of the team of student lecturers in team-based learning facilitation, debriefing, feedback and teaching practical skills
  • Activities at SIMU mean for her the opportunity to prepare future doctors for clinical practice, motivate and help whole generations of medics to develop professionally and personally

Tereza Prokopová

First aid

  • Physician at the Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital Brno.
  • She teaches First Aid, Intensive Care Medicine and Propedeutics at the Faculty of Medicine MU.
  • She is one of the founders of the First Aid Simulation Course and subsequently of the working group leading the simulation teaching of the First Aid Exercise.
  • For her, working at SIMU means the opportunity to improve her simulation teaching.

Jan Dvořáček

NLZP and operation

  • Master's degree in Critical Care Nursing.
  • Department head of the Simulation Centre.
  • 10 years of experience in emergency and intensive care medicine.
  • He also worked as a paramedic by profession.
  • He sees the simulation centre as a great opportunity not only for personal development but above all to improve patient safety.

Tereza Vafková


  • Graduate of General Medicine at the Medical Faculty of MU.
  • She works at the Department of Comprehensive Oncological Care at the Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute (MMCI) in Brno.
  • She has completed a number of international courses focusing on medical education and adult learning (Essential Skills in Medical Education), debriefing and clinical debriefing (The Master Debriefer Course, The Clinical Debriefer Course).
  • Working at SIMU is an opportunity for her to help shape medical education and contribute to the development of feedback culture in medicine.


Daniel Barvík

First Aid Simulation Course Coordinator

  • Physician at the Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine of the Brno University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine of the Medical University of Brno.
  • Member of the Student as Teacher project team, where he participates in the preparation and coordination of student lecturers for teaching first aid.
  • Head of the team of lecturers of the First Aid Simulation Course at LF MU.
  • Graduate of the ALS course and Full Instructor of the European Resuscitation Council EPALS course.
  • In the team of interactive teaching technicians he was previously involved in high fidelity simulations, now he is mainly involved in the provision of teaching and sub-projects.
  • In his spare time he enjoys running, hiking and climbing on an artificial wall.

Tamara Skříšovská

SIMUniversity coordinator

  • PhD student in the Simulation in Medicine program, in her work she focuses on the topic of medical errors
  • She works at the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation at the University Hospital Brno
  • Member of the management of the educational portal AKUTNĚ.CZ, where she collaborates on the section Monitoring of articles
  • Methodologist of collaborative learning methods
  • Co-president of SESAM (Society for Simulation in Europe)

Václav Vafek

pre-learning coordinator

  • graduate of General Medicine at the MU Faculty of Medicine
  • anaesthesiologist at the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation, Brno University Hospital
  • member of the working group of the course First Aid Exercise
  • participates in postgraduate courses on the care of critically ill paediatric patients
  • Believes that SIMU is a place where students leave with the feeling that effective teamwork and communication are essential for quality
Simulation centre

Centre management

Jan Dvořáček

Department Head

  • Master's degree in Critical Care Nursing.
  • 10 years of experience in emergency and intensive care medicine.
  • He also worked as a paramedic by profession.
  • Responsible for the activities of the Simulation Center from preparing teaching aids to operating state-of-the-art simulators.
  • He sees the simulation centre as a great opportunity not only for personal development but above all to improve patient safety.

Petra Kratochvílová

Vice Head for Teaching

  • A nurse specialising in intensive care, with a university degree and many years of experience in two of the largest resuscitation clinics in Brno.
  • She has experience teaching nurses at the Faculty of Medicine and postgraduate education.
  • She considers working in the Simulation Centre as an opportunity for personal development and a crucial step in the education of students and healthcare professionals.

Jiří Travěnec

Vice Head for Technology

  • Graduate of Computer Graphics and Multimedia at the FIT, Brno University of Technology.
  • 15 years of experience in IT, since 2017 part of the Simulation Centre team.
  • At SIMU, together with a team of technicians, he takes care of simulation, AV and IT equipment and operations.
  • His fuel is the opportunity to participate in the operation of the largest simulation center and innovations in the modern field of simulation medicine, which he can pursue thanks to the excellent environment and PhD program.

Libor Dundáček

Building Operation Manager

  • Construction technician by profession.
  • For 16 years he worked as a technical manager of the Dr. Max pharmacy chain.
  • He takes care of the building and facilities of the Simulation Centre.
  • What motivated him to work at SIMU was the need for change and the desire to try something new.


Irena Vaďurová


  • Graduate of the secondary art school in Uherské Hradiště, specialising in applied photography.
  • She worked as an assistant on the Optimed project, in the Krtek Children's Oncology Foundation and as a secretary at the KDAR of the Brno University Hospital.
  • She has been at SIMU since its birth, taking care of the running of the Institute of Simulation Medicine and the Simulation Centre, from administration to providing courses.
  • She sees SIMU as a place where she enjoys and has the opportunity to realize her artistic passions.
  • When she is not taking care of the operation of SIMU, she takes care of her two young children and enjoys photography, sports and travelling.

Eliška Mičánková


  • Graduated from the Faculty of Education of MU.
  • She has devoted most of her career to the organization and education problems of medical and non-medical health care workers.
  • As a member of the team of the Education Department at the University Hospital Brno, she is a link between practice in the hospital and theory at the faculty.
  • With the whole SIMU team, she participates in organizational and technical support in preparing courses.
  • He sees SIMU as both an opportunity and a challenge to help people in healthcare to be even better than they already are.

Kristýna Lhotská


  • Graduate of the art and industrial school SŠPU Opava in graphic design
  • Student of the Faculty of Arts MU in the field of pedagogy
  • She gained her experience in various companies, where she worked in administration, customer service and gastronomy.
  • In her free time, she enjoys graphic and nail design, she likes to visit openings and exhibitions. She relaxes in nature, with friends and family, or by practicing yoga. She also volunteers at events.
  • Working at SIMU is a new opportunity and challenge for her.

Karla Švábenská


  • Graduate of PEF MENDELU in the programme Economic Policy and Administration with specialization in Management of Healthcare Facilities
  • 5 years of experience in quality management and certification in the healthcare sector
  • Perceives SIMU as a unique place where students can prepare for future practice
  • Working at SIMU is an opportunity for her to stay in an academic environment while working in the healthcare field
  • In her free time, she enjoys taking various trips to the outdoors with her family or creating with or without her children

Simona Kašparová


  • Graduate of the Secondary Medical School, pharmaceutical laboratory technician.
  • Most of her work experience has been devoted to the care of clinical workplaces as a secretary.
  • She links the activities of the Department of Simulation Medicine and the Simulation Centre with the Department of Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation at the Brno University Hospital, as well as with the AKUTNĚ.cz Foundation.
  • Her main hobbies include sports, specifically skiing, scooter and bicycle.

Interactive Learning Technicians

Kateřina Kovaříková

Interactive Learning Technician

  • She graduated with a Master's degree in Nursing and worked for several years first in traumatology and then in the ARO at the University Hospital.
  • She participated in the teaching of nurses at the NCO NZO and also at the Department of Nursing at FM MU.
  • She also works at the Faculty of Sports Studies in the Sports Medicine Laboratory, where she provides stress testing for professional athletes and the general public and is a fitness trainer.
  • Acquiring new knowledge closely linked to practice has always made the most sense to her, which is why she joined the SIMU team.

Hana Šperková

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Graduate of the bachelor's degree in paramedic.
  • A specialization education in Emergency Medicine Paramedic.
  • She worked as a paramedic in a call-out group at the Medical Ambulance Service and at the Medical Operations Centre.
  • At NCO NZO she works as a lecturer of the certified course Operational Management of Pre-hospital Emergency Care.
  • She sees SIMU as a new opportunity to pass on her clinical and teaching experience to students and a chance to learn and be inspired by colleagues from different branches of medicine.

Juraj Ovčík

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Master's degree in nursing management.
  • Specialized training in Anesthesia, Resuscitation and Intensive Care NCO and NZO. Graduate of certified courses BLS, ALS, PALS - Saudi Arabia.
  • He has been working for 22 years in the Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine in the Czech Republic and abroad.
  • He provides external teaching at FM MU in the field of Intensive Medicine and acts as a mentor for foreign students.
  • For him, simulation medicine means prestige and the opportunity to learn and try new trends in both teaching and care delivery.

Markéta Zemanová

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Higher education in Midwifery and in Teaching of Medical Subjects.
  • Specialized education in Intensive Care NCO and NZO Brno.
  • 20 years of experience as a midwife with a wide range of training that allows her to provide a rich scope of care, based on a deep knowledge of highly specialized medical care supported by a human approach.
  • She sees simulation medicine as an opportunity to make mistakes from which lessons can be learned.
  • SIMU means opportunity, a future and safe, quality care for her.

Klára Gebauerová

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Graduate of the Secondary School of Nursing, current student of the university in the field of General Nursing.
  • She is an emergency care nurse and interdisciplinary ICU nurse at the Department of Anaesthesiology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care Medicine.
  • What she enjoys about working at SIMU is exploring new technologies and learning new things.
  • She sees a future in simulation medicine.

Ferdinand Varga

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Graduate of Master's degree in Biomedical Physics at the UK in Bratislava.
  • Doctorate and teaching practice in Biophysics at the 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague.
  • Since 2011 he has been working in the field of medical simulations, and since 2016 he has been part of the SIMU team.
  • At SIMU, he is mainly involved in selecting and procuring material and technical equipment.
  • At SIMU, he especially appreciates and values the scope and level of implementation of current technical and methodological practices in medical and healthcare education, professionalism, collegiality and commitment of the implementation team.

Petr Polman

Interactive Learning Technician

  • He holds a Bachelor's degree in Stage Technology, which he has pursued most of his professional career.
  • He has worked as a sound master in theatres, audiovisual technician and sound assistant - microphonist in Czech Television (CT) and on external cooperation with many other companies.
  • SIMU has become a new scene for him where he can use his potential as an interactive teaching technician.
  • Outside of SIMU, he enjoys his family, friends, music and the technology that goes with it.

Romana Janků

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Graduate of the University of Jihlava, with a major in General Nursing with a specialization in pediatrics.
  • She also works as an anaesthesiology nurse at the Children's Hospital in Brno.
  • She enjoys working at the Simulation Centre because of its diversity, it teaches her a lot of new things that take her further in her professional life and she sees the amazing team of people as just the icing on the cake.

Jan Šulák

Interactive Learning Technician

  • He graduated in stage technology at the JAMU, where he also studied audiovisual production and spent half a year during his studies on a foreign internship at TEAK in Finland.
  • He worked at Czech Television as a sound assistant and TV technician.
  • He works in photography, projection, PR videos and audiovisual recordings.
  • He has completed TECC certified tactical courses.
  • He sees SIMU as an outreach to the community where theory connects with practice and allows future doctors to develop exceptionally in a professional environment.
  • He enjoys military history and is a fan of the outdoors and cooking over a fire.

Petra Hájková

Interactive Learning Technician

  • A graduate of secondary medical school, specializing in pediatric nursing.
  • Years of experience in a children's ward abroad - neonatology to children/youth up to 18 years.
  • 2020 Master's degree at the MU Faculty of Education Brno, in German language teaching.
  • She sees SIMU as an opportunity to learn new teaching methods where theory is closely intertwined with practical training without risk to the patient.

Veronika Justrová

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Graduate of MU in Applied Biophysics and Radiological Assistant
  • During her studies, she worked as a radiology assistant at the KRNM FN Brno, ORF MOU. She was on internship in a hospital in Iceland and was interested in getting involved in scientific activities
  • SIMU is an opportunity for her to combine technical and medical education with a welcome necessity to educate herself constantly, which she never dreamed of, and at the same time an opportunity to participate in the education of the following medical generation, all in a friendly team

Martin Knápek

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Graduate of the Brno School of Health Sciences, majoring in medical paramedic.
  • He started his practice at the ARO of the Trauma Hospital in Brno, currently at KARIM at the University Hospital Brno.
  • Graduate of certified courses and several competitions focused on emergency medicine and first aid.
  • In his spare time, he enjoys music, travelling, sports and gastronomy
  • He sees SIMU as an opportunity, a sea of learning opportunities using the latest technologies, a chance to participate in the change in teaching students and healthcare professionals, and to experience things that will advance him in his professional life.

Veronika Kamenská

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Student of Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics at the Brno University of Technology.
  • Outside of SIMU, she is the Chairperson of the non-profit organization Nepanikař, a crisis interventionist and a high-level karate practitioner.
  • SIMU is a new and unique experience for her and a different universe. She appreciates the innovative approaches to teaching and the great team of colleagues.

Michal Jakubů

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Master's degree in Healthcare Management at UPOL
  • Specialization education in Emergency Medicine Paramedic
  • 18 years of experience as a paramedic, including 12 years as a paramedic in the LZS and 9 years as a lecturer in the field of PNP
  • Instructor of the PHTLS course at the Hradec Králové Hospital, a graduate of ERC courses - GIC, ALS, EPALS, NLS
  • He perceives SIMU as an opportunity to participate in teaching medical staff in the conditions of cutting-edge simulation medicine and also an opportunity to continuously educate himself

Martina Bruzlová

Interactive Learning Technician

  • She studied Religious Studies at the Faculty of Arts of MU.
  • Her professional life always combines communication and education. She has worked as a lecturer, lifestyle coach in the prevention program at FNUSA Brno, organizes the Science slam MUNI science-popularization project.
  • Her main focus is the preparation and facilitation of Team Based Learning lessons.
  • She sees SIMU as a unique space for new teaching methods. She wants to contribute to making theoretical subjects innovative and experiential.

Lucie Šplouchalová

Interactive Learning Technician

  • Technician with experience in a multinational information technology and services company
  • Through SIMU, she can help students and healthcare professionals gain practical skills to help improve patient care
  • Working at SIMU is an opportunity for her to gain insight into healthcare and work on her own development in the field
  • In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, studying Italian or pursuing her own creative endeavours

Jan Krchňavý

Interactive Learning Technician

  • University degree in Biomedical Engineering and Bioinformatics
  • Since 2013 he has worked as a biomedical technician and later as an engineer in Brno medical institutions. He has gained experience across medical facilities and specialties (inpatient ward, outpatient department, specialized outpatient clinics, ICU, ARO, day hospital, operating theatres)
  • Understands medical technology as an essential component in the delivery of quality healthcare
  • He has been interested in SIMU since it was built, the opportunity to become a member of the team, to be part of the educational process of students and healthcare professionals is a challenge for him.
  • He sees passing on valuable information to future generations of healthcare professionals as an important mission

AV/IT technicians

Igor Kuba

AV/IT technician

  • Graduate of the Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Košice.
  • In his professional practice, he has been focused on computer technology and website programming.
  • He enjoys the variety of his work, where he solves computer problems which are parts of simulation technique, takes photos and records educational materials, or develops applications that help in teaching.
  • He was motivated to work at SIMU by his close connection to information technology and sees informatics in simulation medicine as a challenge.

Michal Šemora

AV/IT technician

  • Graduate of the secondary school of electrical engineering.
  • He worked at AV Media, where he provided technology at congresses, conferences and exhibitions throughout Europe.
  • Subsequently, he was responsible for the operation of the Brno branch of AVT Group, organizing and providing AV equipment installations on larger projects, such as the reconstruction of the Janáček Theatre, the installation of equipment in the Mahen Theatre, the Municipal Theatre, as well as at the Faculty of Arts MU, FM MU and PED MU.
  • SIMU is a new opportunity, change and motivation for him. He feels that here he can expand his knowledge and work in a unique environment and team.

Tomáš Sitarčík

AV/IT technician

  • Student of Information Technology at the Brno University of Technology
  • Working at SIMU is a unique opportunity for him to both learn new things and apply theory to practice
  • Outside of SIMU he enjoys cooking and model making.

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