doc. MUDr. Svatopluk Synek, CSc.
Associate professor, Department of Optometry and Orthoptics
Courses taught
Autumn 2018 at Faculty of Medicine
Spring 2018 at Faculty of Medicine
- Applied optics III
- Applied optics III - lecture
- Bachelor's Thesis II
- Bachelor's Thesis II - practice
- Behavioural optometry – lecture
- Behavioural optometry - practice
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma thesis III
- Doctoral thesis preparation (DSDP016, DSDP026, DSDP036, DSDP046, DSDP056, DSDP066, DSDP099)
- Doctoral Thesis Preparation VII
- Doctoral Thesis Preparation VIII
- Eye pathology and clinical ophthalmology I - lecture
- Eye pathology and clinical ophthalmology III - practice
- Optometry II- practice
- Pathology of the Eye I
- Refraction I - seminary
- Refractive surgery and intraocular implantology
- Spectacles Technology II - lecture
- Spectacles Technology II - practice
Autumn 2017 at Faculty of Medicine
- Bachelor's Thesis I
- Bachelor's Thesis I - lecture
- Bachelor's Thesis I - practice
- Diploma Thesis II
- Doctoral thesis preparation (DSDP016, DSDP099)
- Neurooftalmology - practice
- Optical Practice I
- Optical Store I
- Physiological optics – lecture
- Physiological optics – practice
- Refraction II - seminary
- Spectacle technique
- Spectacle technique I - lecture
- Spectacle Technique I - practice
- Spectacles Technology I - lecture
- Spectacles Technology I - practice
Spring 2017 at Faculty of Medicine
- Applied optics III
- Applied optics III - lecture
- Bachelor's Thesis II
- Bachelor's Thesis II - practice
- Behavioural optometry – lecture
- Behavioural optometry - practice
- Behavioural optometry II – lecture
- Behavioural optometry II – practice
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis II - practice
- Diploma thesis III
- Diploma Thesis IV - practice
- Doctoral thesis preparation (DSDP016, DSDP026, DSDP036, DSDP046, DSDP056, DSDP066, DSDP099)
- Doctoral Thesis Preparation VII
- Doctoral Thesis Preparation VIII
- Eye pathology and clinical ophthalmology III - practice
- Optometry II- practice
- Pathology of the Eye II - lecture
- Pathology of the Eye III - practice
- Pharmacology of the Eye - lecture
- Refraction I - seminary
- Spectacles Technology II - lecture
- Spectacles Technology II - practice
Autumn 2016 at Faculty of Medicine
- Bachelor's Thesis I
- Bachelor's Thesis I - lecture
- Bachelor's Thesis I - practice
- Behavioural optometry I – lecture
- Behavioural optometry I – practice
- Diploma Thesis I
- Diploma Thesis I - practice
- Diploma Thesis III - practice
- Doctoral thesis preparation (DSDP016, DSDP099)
- Neurooftalmology - practice
- Ophthalmology - practice
- Optical Practice I
- Opticians' Laboratory I
- Pathology of the Eye I - lecture