PhD Studies
Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, are among the most prestigious at Masaryk University and in the Czech Republic. The range of accredited study programmes covers practically the entire spectrum of biomedical research and clinical medicine.
The Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, offers the best practices in PhD Training of its PhD students. The quality of doctoral studies has been confirmed by the evaluation of the Orpheus organisation that has awarded the Faculty with a quality certificate.
The Faculty of Medicine is a proud member of ORPHEUS (Organization for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Science in the European System). This organization aims to safeguard the PhD as a research degree by supporting graduate schools, faculties and departments, research students, and their supervisors, through quality assurance mechanisms, and advocating best practices, professional development, and training.
Masaryk University is a member of the PRIDE Network (Professionals In Doctoral Education). This network aims to be the leading professional resource for the advancement of professionals in doctoral education.

Students are expected to have a good background in the field as well as sufficient language skills to understand fully the study materials. Applicants are required to hold a corresponding degree from an officially accredited university. The Faculty of Medicine encourages applications from all students and does not discriminate on the basis of national origin, race, gender or religion.
Studies in the English language programmes are free of charge, there is no tuition fee. Applicants only pay an application fee and also a fee for an assessment of previous foreign education (see more details in the part Admission Information below).
students in 20 years
supervisors in 20 years
degree programs
The applicant is supposed to check the requirement for applicants specified for a particular study programme. Call for applicants to specific doctoral study programmes with the beginning of the study in the Academic Year 2025/2026 (September 2025) is open in the period from 1. 12. 2024 to 28. 2. 2025.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact a potential supervisor before applying, particularly to consult on the research focus and its possible guidance.
More information on open study programmes and specializations may be found here during the application period.