Meeting of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University
At the first Scientific Council meeting of the Faculty of Medicine this year, two qualification proceedings were discussed.
This year's Simulation Symposium occurred in four blocks at the LF MU Simulation Centre. In the introductory block, Petr Štourač presented simulation education in the Czech Republic, while the foreign guest Anne-Marie Camillieri Podesta from St Julian's, Malta spoke about the role of the educator in adult education. You can read her perspective on this year's SIMPO here. Jitka Blažková closed the first session with grant opportunities in simulation medicine. Several colleagues from Brno, Olomouc, Hradec Kralove and Prague shared their know-how in the next block. The third block was dedicated to teaching dentistry - e.g. how to integrate the operating microscope into the teaching of dental students. The last part was dedicated to challenges in debriefing. SIMPO also included a parallel programme: focus groups and workshops. At the end of the event, a meeting of the working group of the Association of Deans of Medical Faculties of the Czech Republic and the Committee of the Society for Simulation in Medicine was held. A tour of the Simulation Centre was arranged for those interested.
What impressions did SIMPO leave on Martina Bruzlová, the Interactive Learning Technician, who has only been our employee for a short time?
"The 2023 Simulation Symposium was held shortly after I took up my new position. Attendance allowed me to gain an overview of the work at SIMU and other sites around the country. I saw much of the main program and one focus group (my role was primarily as technical support for the presenters).
I appreciated the varied programme, with "standard" presentations interspersed with workshops and the opportunity for participants to delve more deeply into a particular topic in smaller groups. I think this kept the pace of the event very well and nobody fell asleep in the long blocks of lectures. I was intrigued by the unique possibilities of simulation medicine, new technologies and innovations in teaching. The presenters also highlighted the practical challenges that arise when creating and delivering courses in a simulation centre, whether we are talking about the technical facilities, scenario preparation or the financial side of the operation.
The spectrum of learning and technology that is now available to students has really surprised me. It must be a completely unique experience. The average layperson can't imagine what goes into the preparation. What I really liked to see was the emphasis on the educational aspect. There was talk of new approaches to teaching and student assessment, not only for practical subjects but also for theoretical subjects."
At the first Scientific Council meeting of the Faculty of Medicine this year, two qualification proceedings were discussed.
Leading Japanese neurosurgeon Prof. Tomohiro Inoue from the University of Tokyo visited the Neurosurgical Clinic of the Brno University Hospital and the Faculty of Medicine of Masaryk University. During his mission, he delivered a professional lecture and performed extraordinary neurosurgical procedures on two young patients with a rare vascular disease.