Use opacity masks to create transparency

Opacity masks give the ability to control the visibility of objects in Illustrator in very creative ways. Clipping Masks in Illustrator allow for areas to be masked away completely.


Mask, opacity

Creation of print and digital graphics, in which there are objects and texts that contain bitmap and vector textures, which can be changed very easily in their properties.

software, usable graphics for creating masks

concret: specific best practice (e.g. use microservice)

Application domain:
Graphic design

Main phase:
Visual appearance of the project

Related literature:

In which projects do/did you use this practice?
SIMU, Infodemie – book, NZIP

Graphic Designer

>10 years of experiences
Masaryk University

1. How do ​you rate the potential benefit for your projects? 2
2. How often are you using that practice? 3
3. What is the effort to introduce the practice in your project upfront? 2
4. What is the effort to apply the best practice in your project daily basis? 2

Questions 1, 3 and 4 (1 = Low, 5 = High)
Question 2 (1 = Never, 5 = Always)

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