Project information
Development of new diagnostic teniques for oncology
- Project Identification
- IBS5004010
- Project Period
- 1/2000 - 1/2004
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
- Programme of Targeted Research and Development Support
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Informatics
- Cooperating Organization
Institute of Biophysics
- Responsible person doc. RNDr. Stanislav Kozubek, DrSc.
The project is directed to the improvement of diagnostic techniques in oncology both in primary diseases and in related infections. The development of high-resolution cytometric techniques and methods of the detection of the telomerase activity will be the goals of the project. Topographic characteristics of appropriate genetic loci in selected tumour tissues will be mesured and correlated to tumour characteristcs. The development of techniques and methods for clinical applications will be followed by industrial development of a confocal cytometr. In addition, methods of detection of the telomerase activity and expresion will be optimised both for the diagnostic purposes, and for testing the sensitivity of cultured tumor cells to cytostatics and potential cytostatic agents. The improvement of diagnostic techniques of fungal infections typical of oncological patients will be the additional goal of the project. DNA probes will be prepared for clinica diagnostics.
Total number of publications: 56
Tissue Reconstruction Based on Deformation of Dual Simplex Meshes
Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery, year: 2003
Topography of telomeres and structure of chromosome territories in human lymphocytes
Biophysics of the Genome, year: 2003
3D Structure of the human genome: Order in randomness
Chromosoma, year: 2002, volume: 111, edition: 5
Algorithms and data representation in the FISH 3.0 image processing system
Biophysics of the genome and its interactions, year: 2002
Cell Nuclei Segmentation Using Star-Shaped Simplex Meshes
Biophysics of the Genome and Its Interactions, year: 2002
Cytogenetics of Retinoblastoma
Biophysics of the genome and its interactions, year: 2002
Effectivity of Spherical Object Reconstruction Using Star-Shaped Simplex Meshes
1st International Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission, year: 2002
FISH 3.0 client-server system for 3D optical microscope data storage and analysis
Biophysics of the genome and its interactions, year: 2002
High-resolution cytometry network project: Towards remote and distributed acquisition, processing and visualisation of 3D image data in human genome research
3D data processing, visualization and transmission, year: 2002
Chromatin modifications determined in retinoblastoma
Year: 2002, type: Conference abstract