Review board of FM MU

About the Review Board

The aim of the Review board (RB) is to mitigate risks associated with the planning and execution of grant projects at FM MU, to enhance the positive impact of these projects on the faculty's development and to ensure the efficient allocation of faculty resources.

The RB convenes at least once a month to discuss both project proposals and projects that are already in the implementation phase:

  • International projects (Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, FM EEA Norway, and others),
  • Projects funded by operational programmes,
  • Selected national projects like TACR, GACR, JUNIOR STAR, and EXPRO,
  • Any other projects with a budget exceeding CZK 20 million, including VAT,
  • Projects that involve co-financing as specified by the grant call.

Prior to submitting a project proposal

The principal investigator completes the Project Plan, and no later than 5 working days before the RB meeting, submits it to the email address

During the meeting, the principal investigator will present the project plan to the RB members, with a focus on the following aspects:

  • Introducing the academic team responsible for preparing and potentially executing the project,
  • Assessing the capacity available for project implementation, including staff and space considerations,
  • Providing a description of project outputs, with a specific emphasis on those guaranteed by FM MU,
  • Describing how the project will contribute to FM MU.

The RB will then make a decision regarding whether to approve the preparation or submission of the proposed project.

During the project implementation phase

During the meeting, the principal investigator will present the Project Plan to the RB members, with a focus on the following aspects:

  • The project's timeline and the progress made towards achieving project milestones,
  • The extent to which project objectives and outputs have been met,
  • The execution of the project budget,
  • The status of public contract implementation, if applicable,
  • An evaluation of collaboration within the consortium, if applicable,
  • Identification and assessment of potential risks that could impede the successful project implementation.

The investigator will employ a template of  presentation for this purpose.

RB then decides on recommendations or measures regarding the implemented project.

Dates of meetings

Dates in Spring semester 2025:

27 February
27 March
24 April
29 May
26 June

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