Latinská lékařská terminologie ve světle moderních výukových metod

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Language Centre. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Latin Medical Terminology in the Light of Modern Teaching Methods


Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

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Description The article aims to introduce innovative teaching materials for medical Latin for students of undergraduate courses at Faculty of Medicine at Masaryk University. The authors prepared these materials with the emphasis on teaching/learning grammatical and lexical phenomena in accordance with their common usage. They used mainly statistical analyses of grammar forms frequency and typical collocations (using the methods of corpus linguistics). Innovative materials also define the interconnection between particular lessons in terms of recurrence of new words and grammar, vocabulary differentiation according to the specialization of disciplines and teaching pragmatism; the exercises also use authentic materials). The innovation lies also in greater variability of exercise patterns and in the use of multimedia.
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