Publication Activities

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Academic and scientific-research workers from FM MU publish original results of their work in prestigious national and international journals. They are also authors or co-authors of many books, monographs and educational materials.

Every year, more than 700 articles are accepted for publication, many of which are published in the most prestigious international journals, such as Cancer Cell, Leukemia, Lancet Haematology, Molecular Cell, Bone, Stem Cells, Stroke).

Members of the academic community of the FM MU are also represented in Editorial Boards of many recognised scientific journals.


results in RIV in 2020


publications in journals with IF in 2020


publications in first decile of WoS in the year 2020

Vybrané aktuality

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“The true University of these days is a Collection of Books”

Thomas Carlyle


Mgr. Tereza Miškechová

Research and development assistant, Office for Research and Quality

phone: +420 549 49 5405

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