Mgr. Tereza Miškechová
Research and development assistant, Office for Research and Quality
phone: | +420 549 49 5405 |
e‑mail: |
The evidence of publications and other results of creative activities of employees and students of the Faculty of Medicine and the transfer of these results to the RIV allows collecting data on research and development supported from public and non-public funds in one place. It is one of the primary conditions for providing institutional funds for research and development. The coordination of the collection of results is ensured by the Office for Research and Quality of the FM MU.
The Register of Information on Results (RIV) is one of the parts of the information system for research, development and innovation IS VaVaI, in which information on the results of research and development projects and research plans supported from public funds are collected in accordance with Act No. 130/2002 Coll. Data collection at MU takes place via the Publications application in the IS MU, once a year the data are transferred to the RIV for the entire MU. Correct transfer of data to the central RIV register is one of the basic conditions for the provision of institutional funds for research and development.
According to the Methodological Instruction for the Registration of Research and Development Results at the FM MU, the so-called central registration of results takes place at the Faculty of Medicine, which relates to results indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection database (Jimp type). The insertion of these publications into the IS is provided by an authorised employee of the Office for Research and Quality of the FM MU, after the announcement of the publication of the result to the e-mail address After entering and final check for RIV, the result is marked with the label "rivok" and locked for further editing.
All other results are entered into the IS by the authors (or authorised persons). It is always necessary to fill in the Organisational Unit (Faculty of Medicine) when filling in the results, for the results intended for transfer to the RIV, also check the option "Transfer result/publication to RIV" and mark all internal authors. After checking, the officer marks the record with the label "rivok", but the authors can further edit the record (the rivok label will be deleted in this case).
You can find general help on the Publications application and on the RIV in the MU IS.
For the purposes of reporting results of research and development, the so-called R&D Guarantors are established at all workplaces. The role of the guarantors is primarily to instruct academics and students in the workplace, help in difficult situations and ensure the final control of publications of the workplace. The obligations of the R&D Guarantor are set out in the Methodological Instruction.
Research and development assistant, Office for Research and Quality
phone: | +420 549 49 5405 |
e‑mail: |