Zwischen Bauerntumsideologie und Bildungsexpansion: Die Konservativen und die Reform der österreichischen Landschule, ca. 1925 bis 1965

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This publication doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Faculty of Education. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English From corporatist ideology idealizing peasants to educational expansion. Conservatives and rural school reform in Austria, approx. 1925 to 1965


Year of publication 2020
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description This article scrutinizes conservative blueprints for the reform of rural schools in Austria (approx. 1925-1965). Their socio-political goals were ambiguous. They aimed to re-establish traditional values. At the same time, modernization was regarded as necessary, as far as hygienic standards and the efficiency of agricultural production was concerned. School education was expected both, to foster desired aspects of modernization and to impede undesirable ones. It was assigned the task of moderating the modernization process.
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