Animals in Czech Lullabies


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RASTI Malikeh

Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Being highly cultural, Lullabies are a significant part of Folk Literature in every nation. Assuming the age of lullabies to be at least 4000 years, they include various themes from which this article is supposed to study the themes of animals (as well as birds and insects) in some Czech lullabies. Studying some showcases of Czech lullabies, this article aims to claim that Czech lullaby singers not only have not seen animals as the objects representing the human traits and features, but also have been aware of their existence as real animals. This article, being a case study, deals with the themes of animals in Czech lullabies, which can reveal human-human, human-self, human-environment, human-animals, and human-world relationships and viewpoints. And to demonstrate that Czech lullabies have the potentials of being a medium to illustrate the animality of animals.
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