Imagining Decolonial Futurities : Anarcha Indigenism, Decolonial Animal Ethic, and Indigenous Veganism


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Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description This paper introduces the emerging decolonial frameworks of anarcha-Indigenism and decolonial animal ethic. Working at the intersection of Indigeneity, anarchism, environmentalism, and Indigenous feminism, anarcha-Indigenism aims to prompt transcultural cooperation of diverse justice groups that are working towards change that would ensure the peaceful co-existence of diverse species and ecosystems. To this end, the article suggests the inclusion of Billy-Ray Belcourt?s decolonial animal ethic that connects (de)colonization of Indigenous peoples with (de)colonization of non-human animals. Furthermore, perspectives of some prominent Indigenous vegans and the role of artivism and imagination in decolonization is discussed. The article argues that a radical shift in human-animal relations has to be among anarcha-Indigenism's priorities if it strives to establish non-hierarchical interrelations, and that decolonization has to remain the movement?s defining aspect.
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