Reformbewegte Lehrer als Akteure der Pädagogisierung: Willy Steiger (1894-1976), eine Fallstudie

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Title in English Reform-orienated teachers as actors in education: Willy Steiger (1894-1976), a case study


Year of publication 2022
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description In my contribution, I focus on teachers as actors in pedagogical processes. I do this on the basis of a case study, the interpretation of the curriculum vitae of Willy Steiger, who was a teacher at a state experimental school during the Weimar Republic. Throughout his life, Steiger was practically active in the teaching profession and at the same time worked as an educational publicist. However, he is not one of the "big names", the canonized representatives of reform pedagogy, but has largely fallen into oblivion. I interpret Steiger as a representative of a type of teacher that was widespread in the epoch of classical reform pedagogy, which I characterize as “reform-moved”. In my contribution, I examine the patterns of interpretation that shaped Steiger's professional commitment, but also his non-professional life. In doing so, I develop the thesis that pedagogical commitment was a central, meaningful element of his life plan. Through this combination of pedagogical commitment and life meaning, he transformed non-pedagogical driving forces into pedagogy. One can understand this as pedagogization of one's own life. At the same time, with his commitment as a reform pedagogue, Steiger contributed to the education of children's worlds. In teachers like Steiger, I see actors in reform education whose importance has been underestimated up to now. In order to be able to discuss the extent to which the case of Willy Steiger is representative of the type of reform-moving teacher, I will finally use a few other cases for comparison.
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