6.16 Analysis of Gut Mikrobiota in Children With ASD Using the Next-Generation Seyuencing Approach.



Year of publication 2023
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The pathophysiology of ASD is currently not elucidated, and one of the mechanisms that influence the development and intensity of the core symptoms of ASD is the involvement in the gut-brain axis. The gut microbiota is an enormously complex community that is able to act on a wide range of metabolic and signaling pathways and influence brain processes in this way. Taking into account the fact that children with ASD often have intestinal problems, there is a wide field of research and, by extension, a possible therapeutic intervention. A change in the composition of the gut microbiota compared to a healthy population is assumed. This study aimed to provide a preliminary analysis of the gut microbiota composition of ASD patients and healthy-matched controls in the Czech Republic using the next-generation sequencing approach.

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