Současné trendy a pokroky v onkofertilitě

Title in English Current trends and advances in oncofertility


Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta medicinae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords oncofertility; trends
Description Significant advances in cancer treatment bring new challenges, including the need to address reproductive protection for cancer patients of reproductive age. Effective collaboration between oncologists and physicians at reproductive medicine centres is essential for an optimal approach and individual assessment of each patient's case. The method of first choice for women and men of childbearing age who are cancer patients and intend to reproduce in the future is vitrification of reproductive cells. Current studies show that hormonal stimulation, performing IVF methods, pregnancy and childbirth in surviving patients does not alter the future prognosis of the underlying cancer. In specific cases where there is a risk delay in the administration of anticancer therapy, as well as in pediatric and prepubertal patients, modern surgical oncofertility procedures - laparoscopic removal and cryopreservation of ovarian tissue with the possibility of its later replantation, similarly in men, removal and cryopreservation of testicular tissue. There is no uniform consensus among oncologists regarding hormonal However, thanks to interdisciplinary dialogue, the situation in favour of fertility preservation in newly diagnosed cancer patients is improving and oncofertility is becoming a new professional discipline.

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