Life cycle of Paradiplozoon homoion (Diplozoidae) under experimental conditions

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Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Book of Abstracts, 5th International Symposium on Monogenea
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Zoology
Keywords life cycle;Paradiplozoon homoion; Diplozoidae
Description Diplozoids are fish ectoparasites with direct life-cycle. Their eggs hatch into a free-swimming larva called oncomiracidium that invades a fish host and changes into a post-oncomiracidial larval stage – diporpa. Later on, two diporpae fuse into another larval stage – juvenile and live as a pair in their adult life. In present study, an experiment observation was performed to study life cycle of Paradiplozoon homoion on its fish host, gudgeon (Gobio gobio L.). Experiment was carried out at a constant temperature 20 C. A total of 35 gudgeons parasitized by diplozoids were collected from natural environment of the Vlara River, Czech Republic, and 40 non-parasitized gudgeons reared in laboratory environment were used. Both populations were kept together in one tank during the experiment. In total, 86 adult specimens of P. homoion were collected from gudgeons from the Vlara River and a new parasite generation was observed on fish reared in laboratory environment. First appearance of eggs was recorded 11th day of experiment and first diporpae were observed after 18 days. First juveniles were also observed in the same day as the first diporpae. Mainly diporpae with one or two pairs of clamps were recorded. Development of P. homoion from egg to adult stage took 43 days at constant temperature 20 C. Behavior of free-swimming oncomiracidium was studied under experimental conditions. In the environment without host fish they lived for 22 hours. When oncomiracidia transfered into 1.5 l tank with gudgeons, after 2 hours diporpae were found attached to fish gill apparatus.
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