Služby zaměstnanosti a formy spolupráce s občanským sektorem na regionálním trhu práce


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Employment Services and Forms of Cooperation with the Civic Sector in the Regional Labor Market


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The paper is based on the hypothesis that modernization of employment policy in the Czech Republic after EU accession has not been carried out as a continuous and functional adaptation to new social conditions but rather as a series of unintentional and unexpected changes in the not particularly well coordinated or integrated system of employment services. The aim of the paper is to describe the specific mechanism of the spontaneous change of activation policy in the labor market, which has occurred as an unexpected result of the implementation of the European reform of employment services, associated with suppression of the administrative 224 Nová sociální rizika na trhu práce: problémy a (nebo) politická agenda? way of organization of the services and with seeking new forms of cooperation with the private and civic sectors. The paper presents a qualitative description of the differences in aims and instruments in different organizations building cross-sectoral partnerships and cooperation. It uses a database of forty-six interviews with some of the representatives of employment offices and civic organizations working in regions with an established network of mutual cooperation. The authors present a typology of forms of cooperation between public administration and civic organizations and the paper concludes with a discussion of impacts of possible failures of new forms of cooperation on the activation effect of employment policy
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