Zaměstnavatelé jako aktéři řešení rizika nerovnováhy mezi pracovním a rodinným životem


This publication doesn't include Faculty of Medicine. It includes Faculty of Social Studies. Official publication website can be found on
Title in English Employers as Actors of Reconciliation of Work and


Year of publication 2010
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Description The aim of the article is to explore how selected employers in the IT and engineering sectors perceive the problem of imbalance between work and family in everyday life and how employers deal with measures which have a potential to solve or at least to minimize the conflicts between work and family life. The analysis therefore focuses on how, under what conditions and in what context employers use and implement flexible working patterns, childcare facilities and parental leaves. Differences between the two sectors were not strongly significant with the exception of flexible working patterns which were used more in the IT sector. It can be concluded that attitude of employers to work-family reconciliation measures is based on individual agreement with each potential user of such measures. This agreement is further determined by employer's individual experience with a specific employee (potential user) as well as their experience with a specific measure. Within this agreement, certain degree of employers' "tit for tat" strategy can be identified.
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