Informační podpora integrovaného systému nakládání s odpady


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Title in English Information Support of Integrated Waste Management System


Year of publication 2011
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Odpadové fórum
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Solid waste and its control, recycling
Keywords Integrated waste management system; information system
Description In the 2007-2011 period is solved R&D project of the Ministry of Environment SPII2F1-30-07: Research on integrated waste management system (ISNO) and new support tools for its implementation. The project involved SITA CZ as as a researcher and ECO - Management, Ltd. as a co-investigator. Introduction and proper ISNO are supported by several groups of instruments. After the legislative and economic instruments have been evaluated as the third most important one in the IT tools. The article presents partial results of the project in the field of information tools. It is the identification and use of primary sources of data as a basis for planning and presentation ISNO and developed software for its operation.

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