Zbrojní průkaz – přehled změn v posuzování zdravotní způsobilosti žadatelů

Title in English Firearm license - A summary of changes in the assessment of medical fitness of applicants


Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Praktický lékař
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Other medical specializations
Keywords medical assessment; firearm license; health fitness; provider of occupational services; preventive inspection
Description Legislation in the Czech Republic clearly sets the rules for possession and carrying of weapons, for granting a firearm license and for medical fitness of an applicant for a firearm license. An amendment of the Weapons and Ammunition Act, which entered into force in August 2016, newly regulates the area of medical fitness of holders of a firearm license. The amendment defines which doctors assess the medical fitness of applicants for firearm license and enumerates conditions for granting such a license. It introduces a system of screening and enforcement of requirements on medical fitness of a holder of a firearm license. Doctors are entitled to check whether a patient holds a firearm license. Subsequently, doctors are obliged to notify any changes to the medical fitness of a firearm license holder. This article deals with particular procedures related to approving of firearm licenses that the doctors have to use henceforth.

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