Determining Dyslexic User Model Membership Using Fuzzy Approach


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Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining IV
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

web online version
Field Informatics
Keywords Dyslexia; Fuzzy Approach; User Categorization
Description This article introduces an idea and process of using the fuzzy approach for clas-sifying dyslexia symptoms and its progression through getting information about individual problems that people with dyslexia deal with. Correct classification is important for emerging new assistive technologies accommodating text for people with dyslexia and for further clinical and psychological studies of dyslexia and lin-guistic based problems. As reading problems are wider, this clinical and psycholo-gical studies based on our approach may also serve for studying for instance pro-blems after stroke, brain tumors, epilepsy etc.
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