Physical activity as a factor of health-related behavior in Czech adults


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Year of publication 2017
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Psychology
Keywords Physical activity (overall;sports; non-sports); health-promoting behavior; health complaints; age
Description Physical activity is an important salutoprotective component of health-related behaviour, which delays cardiovascular ageing and prolongs life. The aim of this research is to map the extent of physical activity carried out by adults in the Czech Republic, assess the influence of determinants of physical activity and examine the relationship between physical activity and subjective health complaints. The research sample consisted of 1,263 Czech adult respondents aged 22–93. The volume of physical activity decreases with age. Based on regression analysis, we identified the strongest predictors of physical activity such as age, gender and the personality dimensions of ascendancy and vigour (according to Gordon Personal Profile -Inventory (GPP-I)). Men are more physically active than women, yet 51% of all respondents did not meet the minimum recommended amount of sports physical activity. It was confirmed that the higher extent of physical activity reduces the number of health complaints.
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