The oxidation double peak of reduced guanine residues in short oligodeoxynucleotides: A study of its origin


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Year of publication 2018
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Keywords Guanine redox; GGG triad; Stacking; Repulsive interaction; Repulsive energy; Adsorptive conformation; Voltammetry
Description The aim of this study is to find a deeper understanding of the long neglected oxidation double peak of reduced guanines (G(red)ODP) produced at a mercury electrode (ME) by the reverse oxidation of the guanine reduction product (G(red)). Although the reduction processes of G moieties at an ME are hidden in the cathodic currents of the background solvent decompositions, and the G reduction process thus cannot be examined directly, the G reduction product can be oxidized back to G, yielding an oxidation signal at about 0.2V. depending on the measurement conditions, the oxidation signal of Gred may assume the form of a single peak or a double peak with GI and GII. The cause of the double peak generation remains unknown. However, the novel approach based on combining elements of chronoamperometry and voltammetry proposes that the G(red)ODP originates from the oxidation of DNA fragments in two different adsorption conformations. The results indicate thet the orientation of G residues is controlled by the repulsive interaction after thier reduction and from the difference of GI and GII potentials the repulsion energy was estimated. The new findings may find application as a tool to indicate the structural and surface properties of short oligonucleotides with G bases
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