Experience of coronary heart disease patients with a nurse-led eHealth cardiac rehabilitation: Qualitative process evaluation of a randomized controlled trial


SU Jing Jing PAGUIO Jenniffer BARATEDI William Mooketsi ABU-ODAH Hammoda BAŤALÍK Ladislav

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source HEART & LUNG
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0147956322002394?via%3Dihub
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.hrtlng.2022.10.005
Keywords eHealth; Cardiac rehabilitation; Qualitative; Process evaluation; Nurse-led
Description Background: A previous randomized controlled trial (NeCR) has indicated the effectiveness of nurse-led eHealth cardiac rehabilitation (CR) on modifying the behaviors of patients with coronary heart disease. How-ever, limited qualitative studies explore the experiences of using eHealth CR that led to such benefits. Objective: The study aimed to explore the experiences of patients who participated in the NeCR program. Methods: A descriptive qualitative study was employed among 20 intervention group patients who used the eHealth CR website and ranked differently (0-35th percentile, >35th percentile, and > 70% percentile) in the improvement of health-promoting behaviors. Results: Five themes emerged: the NeCR program has promoted behavior change and mitigated emotional distress post-CHD. Patients described how the NeCR influenced cognitive determinants (knowledge and skill acquisition, having a roadmap, self-monitoring, and self-evaluation and resolution) and offered social support (professional counseling and peer interaction via multimedia chat) toward such change. Patients also appreciated the high affordability, accessibility, reliability of the NeCR, and expressed psychological, contextual, and technical barriers. Conclusions: Providing eHealth CR during patient discharge is warranted as an affordable, accessible, and reliable alternative to obtain health benefits. Extensive behavior change techniques, actionable CR guidance, and increased awareness are widely perceived enablers. Offering professional support and moderation is critical for early post-discharge consultation and for introducing direct peer interaction to reassure patients.

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