Faktory ovlivňující dobu léčby fixním aparátem

Title in English Factors affecting duration of therapy with fixed orthodontic appliance


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Ortodoncie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web https://www.ortodonciejournal.cz/on-line-verze-casopisu/clanky-casopisu/index.php?modul=casopis_clanek/casopis_clanek&vypis_detail_clanek=327
Keywords duration of therapy; fixed orthodontic appliance
Description Aim: The aim was to determine the factors affecting the duration of therapy with fixed orthodontic appliance. Material and method: From the documentation, study casts and radiographs of 221 patients the initial condition and factors that can be affected by a??dentist and a??patient were selected, measured and determined. Results: The following factors correlate strongly positively with the duration of therapy: number of dentists taking part in the active stage of therapy, interval between the adjustment of appliance in the upper and in the lower arch, complexity of treatment expressed with TCI score, number of missed appointments per month, and percentage of negative compliance entries. The following factors correlate weakly positively: initial anomaly expressed with DI score, extraction therapy, poor hygiene, number of rebonded brackets more than 12 months after the therapy beginning, time of bonding of second permanent molars, early debond, therapy outcome expressed with OGS score. Age and number of appointments performed correlate weakly negatively. No correlation was found for the following factors: sex, number of emergency visits, percentage of time in NiTi wires, number of rebonded brackets during the first 12 months, type of orthodontic brackets material used, initial Angle class. Conclusion: Statistically significant factors given above explain 77% of variability in the duration of therapy. (Ortododoncie 2022, 31, ??. 2, s. 138–149)
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