Využití skórovacích systémů při hodnocení zánětlivých změn Crohnovy choroby na MR-enterografii

Title in English The use of scoring systems in the evaluation of inflammatory changes in Crohn’s disease on MR-enterography

VÁLEK Vlastimil BARTUŠEK Daniel SMĚLÁ Markéta KONEČNÝ Štefan DOSTÁL Marek

Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká radiologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web http://www.cesradiol.cz/dwnld/CesRad_2303_123_130.pdf
Keywords magnetic resonance imaging; ultrasonography; Crohn’s disease; scoring systems; MaRIA
Description Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Endoscopic methods are the gold standard for assessing the severity and extent of disease involvement. Their main disadvantage is the invasive nature of the examination. Therefore, non-invasive radiological methods such as magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography are used as part of regular followup. Their another advantage over colonoscopy is a higher yield in the evaluation of disease complications and other comorbidities. The disadvantage of imaging methods is a certain degree of subjectivity burdening the evaluation and, of course, the need for experience. Currently, there are a number of MR scoring systems that aim to provide the most objective assessment of bowel involvement. The yield of these systems has been demonstrated in a number of studies, and although they are not currently used in clinical practice, they could become a useful tool in the future when the findings are unclear or when assessing the effect of treatment.
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