Plicní embolie – musíme ji vždy léčit?

Title in English Pulmonary embolism - do we always have to treat it?


Year of publication 2023
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description Pulmonary embolism is a sudden obstruction of a pulmonary artery and its branching by an embolus. In the etiopathogenesis of thrombosis plays main role the well-known Virchow triad - blood stasis, damage to the vein wall and a hypercoagulable state. It is the 3rd most common acute cardiovascular disease after myocardial infarction and stroke. Incidence is increasing, mortality is remaining and mortality for PE decreasing. As the availability of CT angiography increases, so does the incidence of new, less significant cases of subsegmental embolism. This presentation is devoted to the topic of subsegmental embolism, its clinical significance and current evidence for treatment.

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