Markers of dental pulp stem cells in in vivo developmental context

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Year of publication 2023
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Keywords Dental pulp; Development; Stem cell markers; In vivo
Description Teeth and their associated tissues contain several populations of mesenchymal stem cells, one of which is represented by dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs). These cells have mainly been characterised in vitro and numerous positive and negati ve markers for these cells have been suggested. To investigate the presence and localization of these molecules during development, forming dental pulp was examined using the mouse first mandibular molar as a model. The stages corresponding to postnatal (P) days 0, 7, 14, and 21 were investigated. The expression was monitored using customised PCR Arrays. Additionally, in situ localization of the key trio of markers (Cd73, Cd90, Cd105 coded by genes Nt5e, Thy1, Eng) was performed at prenatal and postnatal stages using immunohistochemistry. The expression panel of 24 genes assigned as in vitro markers of DPSCs or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) revealed their developmental dynamics during formation of dental pulp mesenchyme. Among the positive markers, Vcam1, Fgf2, Nes were identified as increasing and Cd44, Cd59b, Mcam, Alcam as decreasing between perinatal vs. postnatal stages towards adulthood. Within the panel of negative DPSC markers, Cd14, Itgb2, Ptprc displayed increased and Cd24a decreased levels at later stages of pulp formation. Within the key trio of markers, Nt5e did not show any significant expression difference within the investigated period. Thy1 displayed a strong decrease between P0 and P7 while Eng increased between these stages. In situ localization of Cd73, Cd90 and Cd105 showed them overlap in differentiated odontoblasts and in the sub-odontoblastic layer that is speculated to host odontoblast progenitors. The highly prevalent expression of particularly Cd73 and Cd90 opens the question of potential multiple functions of these molecules. The results from this study add to the in vitro based knowledge by showing dynamics in the expression of DPSC/MSC markers during dental pulp formation in an in vivo context and thus with respect to the natural environment important for commitment of stem cells. & COPY; 2023 Published by Elsevier GmbH.
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