Identification of human Bifidobacterium strains using genus and species specific PCR


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RITTICH Bohuslav ŠPANOVÁ Alena DRÁB Vladimír

Year of publication 2005
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference 8th Symposium on Lactic Acid Bacteria
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Microbiology, virology
Keywords Bifidobacterium human strains; PCR; ARDRA; fermentation profiles
Description In the present study genus-specific and species-specific PCR primers were used to identify Bifidobacterium strains isolated from infant faecal samples. Bifidobacteria were differentiated at the species level by a restriction using the enzymes BamHI, Sau3AI, and TaqI (amplified ribosomal DNA restriction analysis ARDRA). Altogether 60 strains of Bifidobacteria identified in the collected infant faeces were analysed. Selected bifidobacteria were also differentiated using REP-PCR and RAPD analysis. Fermentation profiles and some technological characteristics of selected bacterial strains, as a surviving at low pH, resistance to bile salts, and the influence of isolated strains on the growth of selected starter cultures were also studied.
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