Responzivnost v praxi: hodnocení zdravotnických služeb v Boskovicích

Title in English Responsiveness in medical practice: An evaluation of healthcare services in BoskoŹvice


Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Praktický lékař
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Field Public health care, social medicine
Keywords responsiveness; evaluation of healthcare services; programme Healthy Cities; inquiry
Description In the article there is deseribed the course of a questionnaire survey carried out in Boskovice. The survey was initiated by the Health council of the city of Boskovice. Its objective was to determine what problems the city's citizenry encounters when visiting physicians and healthcare facilities, and to seek to resolve them. The questionnaire was focused on the assessment of experience of the citizens with responsiveness in the healthcare services provided in their city. The survey, its preparation, materialization, results and their discussion as well as application are an example of good collaboration between the city representatives, healthcare staff, healthcare facilities and the citizenry. A promising point of departure of the Health Coun-cil's work in Boskovice háve become mutual communication, common value orientation on health and the activity of people as well as on the satisfaction of the citizenry with health care.
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