DSM (degradable starch microspheres) - embolizační materiál rozšiřující možností transarteriální chemoembolizace jater

Title in English DSM (degradable starch microspheres) - embolization material expanding the possibilities of transarterial chemoembolisation of the liver


Year of publication 2020
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká radiologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web http://www.cesradiol.cz/detail.php?stat=718
Keywords hepatocellular carcinoma; transarterial chemoembolisation; survival analysis
Description Objectives: The potential use of DSM-TACE as a salvage therapeutic option in patients with primary liver malignancy unsuitable for further DEB-TACE. Methods: 16 patients (2 women; median 70.7 years) with hepatocellular carcinoma originally treated with DEB-TACE (1-7 sessions, median 3 sessions) were treated with DSM-TACE (EmboCept, PharmaCeptGmbH, Berlin, Germany) for disease progression, impossibility of selective application or intolerance of DEB-TACE. The primary endopoints of the study were the determination of overall survival and time to progression to advanced stage of HCC (Kaplan-Meiertest). Priorto DSM-TACE treatment, HCC was presentin unilobary liver disease in 8 patients and bilo bary in 8 patients, liver cirrhosis was in 12 patients (9 Child-Pugh A, 3 Child-Pugh B), and thrombosis of the portal vein branches in 2 patients. Response to DSM-TACE was evaluated on post-contrast CT according to mRECIST criteria. Results: A total of 34 DSM-TACE sessions (median 2 per patient) were performed. One anaphylactic reaction has been reported. Other serious intra and periprocedural complications were not observed. After initial treatment with DSM-TACE, complete response was obtained in 4, partial response in 6, stable disease in 4, and progression in 2 patients. During the follow-up period (27-1001 days, median 287 days), progression to advanced stage of HCC was achieved in 8 patients (4 HCC progression, 1 v. portae thrombosis, 3 performance status deterioration). The median time to progression was 16.8 months, median overall survival from 1.DSM-TACE was 22.3 months, median overall survival from l.TACE was 36.1 months. Conclusion: DSM-TACE is another therapeutic option in patients who can no longer be treated with DEB-TACE.
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