Význam vitaminu D u onkologických pacientů

Title in English The importance of vitamin D in cancer patients


Year of publication 2021
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Podpůrná léčba
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web https://www.linkos.cz/lekar-a-multidisciplinarni-tym/celozivotni-vzdelavani/databaze-onkologickych-casopisu/podpurna-lecba-1/
Keywords vitamin D; cancer
Description Vitamin D is used in the supportive therapy of cancer patients, especially those with breast, colorectal or lung malignancies, where it has a palliative effect and relieves pain while prolonging relapse-free survival. In vivo and in vitro studies point to other possible uses of vitamin D such as potentiation of chemotherapy or its own anticarcinogenic effect in combination with other drugs, but they have not yet found a stable application in clinical practice.
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