Hodnocení endotelové vrstvy rohovky u nositelů kontaktních čoček pomocí endoteliálního mikroskopu

Title in English Assessment of corneal endothelial layer in contact lens wearers with the aid of an endothelial microscope


Year of publication 2022
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Česká a Slovenská oftalmologie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web https://www.prolekare.cz/casopisy/ceska-slovenska-oftalmologie/2022-6-7/hodnoceni-endotelove-vrstvy-rohovky-u-nositelu-kontaktnich-cocek-pomoci-endotelialniho-mikroskopu-133054
Doi http://dx.doi.org/10.31348/2022/30
Keywords endothelial cell;endothelial microscope;soft contact lens;hard contact lens;hybrid contact lens
Description Aims: The main aim of our study was to demonstrate the difference in endothelial cell density between a group of keratoconus contact lens users and non-contact lens users (without keratoconus). Material and methods: In our study we had data from 96 subjects with an average age of 40.5 ±14.05 years. For the purposes of our study, we worked with each eye separately for each subject (n = 192). Keratoconus (research group) was diagnosed in 97 eyes. The mean age of the patients in the research group was 41.9 ±10.6 years. Keratoconus was not diagnosed in the remaining 95 eyes (control group). The mean age of the patients in the control group was 39.5 ±16.6 years. In the keratoconus group, the patients wore hard contact lenses (HCL) in a total of 43 eyes, hybrid contact lenses (HbCL) in 48 eyes and soft contact lenses (SCL) in 6 eyes. The average total period of contact lens use in the research group was 10.6 ±2.36 years. Results: The average number of endothelial cells in the research group was 2607.11 ±298.45 cells per mm2. The average number of endothelial cells in the control group was 2831.94 ±523.51 cells per mm2. We tested these two variables using a T-test, which showed a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001). A statistically significant difference in the mean endothelial cell count related to patient age and use / non-use of contact lenses of two types was demonstrated only in the under-40 group in a comparison of the non-contact and keratoconus group with the keratoconus group using HCL (p = 0.02). A statistically significant difference in the length of contact lens wear was demonstrated between the keratoconus-free group with or without SCL and the keratoconus group when wearing HCL or HbCL for more than 20 years (p = 0.01 and p = 0.02). For HbCL users, this difference was demonstrated also after 15 years of wearing (p = 0.001). Conclusion: From our results we can conclude that there is a difference in endothelial cell density between patients with and without keratoconus.
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