Dvojdielny bikortikálny enoseálny implantát



Rok publikování 2015
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Stomatológ
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Lékařská fakulta

Obor ORL, oftalmologie, stomatologie
Klíčová slova edentulous jaw; bicortical implants; method of finite elements (MFE)
Popis Treatment of an edentulous mandible afflicted by extreme atrophy by means of an implant is often conditioned by efforts to use the bone mass to its maximum and exploit unconventional endosteal implants with bicortical anchoring. Characteristics of a one-piece implant do not allow to finish the prosthetic therapy with a temporary removable replacement. The aim of our study was to verify practical benefits of a two-piece bicortical implant with abutment of this type and to evaluate the structure of the two-piece implant with a method of finite elements with regard to the cortical bone, the body of the implant and the abutment connection. Results show insignificant differences between one-piece and two-piece bicortical implants in distribution of tension in the compact section, the body of the implant or in the connection with the abutment in normal as well as extremely short intra-osseous lengths of fixtures. The two-piece implant, however, allows an extension of feasibility of the temporary removable replacement also in severe atrophy of the mandible with all the advantages, this solution can offer.

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