Electrochemical study of inorganic and bacterial pyrite oxidation mechanism


Publikace nespadá pod Lékařskou fakultu, ale pod Přírodovědeckou fakultu. Oficiální stránka publikace je na webu muni.cz.


Rok publikování 1996
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Mineralia Slovaca
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Biochemie
Klíčová slova pyrite; oxidation; electrochemistry; bacteria
Popis For detection of pyrite biooxidation there were prepared pyrite electrodes from pyrite corns with about 1 cm in diametr, mounted in epoxy resin and sticked on glas holders. Exchange current densities from potentiodynamic experiments gave direct rates of pyrite oxidation. There have been used three media for rate comparison of chemical and bacterial oxidation of pyrite: (1) H2SO4 with pH = 1.8, (2) Fe3+ in water with pH = 1.8, and (3) Thiobacillus ferooxidans in water with pH = 1.8. The exchange current density for pyrite biooxidation was about ten times higher than that for oxidation of pyrite by dissolved oxygen or Fe3+ and increased during all period of forty five days. Rates of inorganic pyrite oxidation was during all experiments low and after beginning increase were constant or decreasing.
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