Preliminary investigations of high-frequency atmospheric-pressure plasma jet for atomic emission spectrometry


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ŠTĚPÁN Martin SEMERÁD Martin KANICKÝ Viktor OTRUBA Vítězslav

Rok publikování 2001
Druh Článek v odborném periodiku
Časopis / Zdroj Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications
Fakulta / Pracoviště MU

Přírodovědecká fakulta

Obor Analytická chemie, separace
Klíčová slova High frequency; plasma jet; atomic emission spectrometry; argon plasma
Popis The 27.12- and 13.56- MHz plasm-jet discharges are generated in argon at atmospheric pressure. The plasma originates inside the nozzle of the bored metal power electrode and outflows against the counter-electrode. The discharge has a column shape with the diameter about 0.7-1.5 mm and the length 5-30 mm. The 27.12 MHz/100 W and 13.56MHz/1500 W generators are operated at a power of 100 and 200 W, respectively. Stable discharges are obtained within the range from 0.3 to 0.9 L/min Ar. the 27.12 MHz/100 W discharge is capable of accepting dry aerosol while the wet aerosol extinguishes this plasma. On the contrary, wet aerosol can be introduced into the 13.56 MHz/200 W plasma. The vibrational temperature of 3000 K has been determined based on the intensity of the molecular band of the N2 2nd positive system (365-383 nm)in the 27.12 MHz Discharge. Intensioty vs concentration dapendences have been measured with Li 670.784 nm, Na 588.995 nm, Na 589.592 nm, K 766.491 nm and Rb 780.023 nm lines. Limits of detection in the 27.12 MHz/100 W discharge coupled toan ultrasonic nebulizer with desolvation are 0.1 Li, 30 Na, 10 K and 3 Rb (ng/mL). Limit of detection in the 13.56 MHz /200W discharge connected to a pneumatic nebulizer of the Meinhard type is 8 ng/mL for lithium.
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